(2018) 4 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 105–116
Title of the article Cooperation between National Police Operative Units in Counteracting to Crimes in Banking Electronic Payments
Doctor of Law, Professor, head, department of operative and detective activity, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine, dimanik@outlook.com
PhD in Law, Senior Researcher, associate professor, department of operative and detective activity, National Academy of Internal Affairs,Kyiv, Ukraine, mv.kobets@ukr.net
chief special, State Bureau of Investigations, Kyiv, Ukraine, vadym.nyk@ukr.net
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 4
Pages [105–116]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Operational units of the National Police of Ukraine act not autonomously, but in the system of law enforcement agencies, in particular those who carry out operative and detective activities. Also the interaction of operational units of the National Police of Ukraine with other, except law enforcement bodies, authorities, in particular public authorities and local government, public associations, departments, in particular, the National Bank of Ukraine, state and non-state banking institutions and individual citizens is important. Using the operational units of the National Police the capabilities of these entities (both internal and external) indicates, on the one hand, their professionalism, and on the other – on the effectiveness of joint law enforcement activities.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the interaction of the units of the National Police of Ukraine in counteracting the crimes committed in the field of banking electronic payments.
The issue of the participation of specialists in the field of finance, computer technology, telecommunications during the conduct of operative and investigative (search) activities related to the collection of meaningful information about crimes committed with the use of banking electronic payment facilities and systems is considered. However, the list of answers that these experts can provide for a comprehensive investigation of this kind of crime is incomplete. In this regard, it is proposed to form a new type of examination – expert examination of technologies and electronic payment systems.
Accordingly, the relevance of the topic is determined both by its insufficient scientific development to date and its considerable practical significance for detecting and disclosing crimes committed in the field of banking electronic payments. The information provided in the article will help law enforcement officials who, in particular, counteract economic crimes, effectively deal with organizational issues when disclosing and investigating crimes in the field of banking electronic payments.
Keywords electronic money; payments; interaction; operational units; counteracting crimes; police units; crime investigation.
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Thesis abstracts
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